Saturday, June 16, 2012

Upcoming Trip.... Family, Friends, Bushcrafting...

I am taking a trip back to my "Home" in the PNW. It has been a year since I was last able to hug my kids, tickle my Grandkids, look into my Mothers eyes and tell her how much I love her, and share laughs with my dearest and best friends! Excited? Understatement, although I am not looking forward to the physically taxing travel. Have planned to go camping with my lovely Daughter and my 3 Grandkids (15 to 2 yrs), and get in some Bushcrafting lessons to whomever is interested (Kai, my Grandson, is 2 1/2)... Also have another outing planned with my soon-to-turn 20 yr old Son, Lieden, which we plan on doing in minimalist style.. Talk about excited! I plan on making many memories, taking plenty of pictures, and then sharing them with my tons of followers of this blog (that would be me and I think one other, LOL!) on this blog.. Returning on the 14th of July, and then have several orders I need to get completed. Stay tuned friends! I'm not only excited for the trip and great times to be had, but also to share what I think will be fun and interesting pictures of the trip... God Bless, and stay safe over the 4th! Christof


  1. Hey brother I got something for you. Have you checked your email in the last week?

  2. Yeah, I wrote back to you, you didn't ge it?
